

Myself: Hellow Tania, how are you?
Tania: Fine, what about you?
Myself: I'm also well.Tania do you know I've recenetly read an interesting novel? In fact i 've enjoyed reading the novel to a great extent.
Tania: Is that so? what's the name of the novel and by whome was it written?
Myself: It's "Lordof the Files" by william Golding.
Tania: What's is the subject matter of the novel?
Myself: It's about children liberty. That's means if they get too much liberty they may commit crime.
Tania: What are you saying?
Myself: Yes, the book means to say that children are not free from satanism. So too much freedom may lead them to the way of committing offence like killing, kidnapping etc. It's the gist of the book.
Tania: Surprising! I like to read this novel. Would you mind lending me the book for some days?
Myself: Sure. You may take it tomorrow.
Tania: Thanks
Myself: No mention.

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  1. The Page Turner:
    The Author I am reading is Penny Vincenzi. The book I am reading at the moment is called "Windfall". If you enjoy a great work of fiction then Penny Vincenzi is one of the authors that will take you on a journey. Most of her novels are set in London. Some of the stories are pre-war such as Windfall is set in 1920's London Society from the very rich to the most common of families. Penny has a way of writing that make all of her characters come to life in your imagination. Her books are thick 4-5 hundred pages. For me the fatter the book usually the better. All her novels are true Page Turners. So get in your most comfortable chair and curl up and enjoy the adventure. Linda Passafaro

