

Kamal : Hello Jamal. good morning. what are you doing in this early morning?
Jamal  : very good morning. I am working in my garhden.

Kamal : Oh! what a beautiful garden it is! who helps you in your work?
Jamal  : I myself have done this. It is my hobby.

Kamal : I think it is not only a flower garden.
Jamal  : You are right. There are two parts in my garden. In one part i have planted flowers and in another 
             part i have cultivated vegetables. Kamal : How long have you been doing this.
Jamal  : For the last tree years.

Kamal : How do you feel?
Jamal  : this is a great source of joy and pleasure to me. It also keep my body strong and fit.
            May i ask you to tell me about your hobby?

Kamal : My hobby is fishing.
Jamal  : It is really a very interesting thing.

Kamal : Of course. I get much pleasure from it. it makes us patient.
Jamal  : Oh! It is time to go to school. See you again.
Kamal : All right see you again.

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